national voters day

National Voters Day (25 January): Detail

Current Affairs & Static GK

In India, the 25th of January is celebrated as National Voters Day every year with the purpose of spreading awareness of voting rights. This day was first celebrated in 2011 choosing 25th January as it is the foundation day of the Election Commission. When living in a democracy, it is mandatory for people to know about their voting rights and how they contribute fundamentally to developing the nation.

Democracy means ‘of the people, for the people and by the people’, and with the same motive to encourage young people to vote, this day came into existence.

Let’s take a look at the important points related to National Voters Day.

History of National Voters Day

In 2011, a meeting chaired by PM Manmohan Singh observed that the participation of young voters had declined showing their lack of interest in enrolling as voters. To increase the same, it was proposed that the government would identify all the eligible voters attaining the age of 18 by January 1st of every year and submit the data to the Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC) on January 25 of that year. Hence, it was observed as the National Voters Day starting in 2011.

Significance of National Voters Day

People must know that as a citizen of India, it’s their right to vote and elect their leader. This day signifies the registration of newly eligible young voters (18+) and promotes electoral participation by people. The legal age to vote in India is 18 years but it is seen that many young people are not even aware of democratic values and rights. To make sure, the participation of young voters increases, this day has been celebrated for the past 14 years.

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