When a person commits a wrong, he is held accountable for his acts; nevertheless, his acts do not usually expose him to accountability from others. However, in some circumstances, one person may be held liable for the actions of another. Vicarious Liability is the term for this type of liability. The word vicarious comes from […]

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Strict Liability[1]:- The rule of strict liability was initially established in the 1869 case of Rylands v. Fletcher[2]. The defendant engaged independent contractors (engineers) to create a water reservoir on his land to power his mill, according to the case’s short facts. Engineers discovered abandoned mine shafts but neglected to adequately cap them. As a […]

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defamation law in India


INTRODUCTION[1]:- Defamation[2] occurs when a person’s reputation is hurt by a defamatory or irrelevant comment published about him or her. The value of a person’s reputation is greater than that of any other physical asset. When compared to material riches, the loss of reputation is considerably higher, i.e., the loss of reputation is far more […]

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Defamation Laws

Defamation Laws in India

“Every man has right to have his reputation preserved inviolate” – William Blackstone In simple words, Defamation is an act of false communication about another person which lowers his reputation in the eyes of an ordinary man. A man’s reputation is treated as its property and an injury to it is punishable by law. Many […]

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Defamation Laws in India

Defamation Laws in India Reputation is a highly emphasised part of our lives. History is filled with the stories of Rajputs, Samurais and many freedom fighters who prefer death over dishonour or disgrace. Even our constitution recognises this in Right to live with dignity under Right to Life. However, the right to freedom of speech […]

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principles of torts

BLOG- Methodologies and Techniques for utilizing principles of torts in practical life

Tort means ‘to twist’ Tort Law is, for the most part, the most custom-based law that one investigation in a graduate school or in any field of law, however, the slightest precedent-based law that one makes a utilization of in a commonsense life. The term ‘tort’ is gotten from a Latin word “tortum” which signifies […]

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vicarious liability

BLOG- Vicarious Liability

 Introduction ‘It is entirely appropriate that all businesses be responsible for the torts of their employees’. Tort law in India is a relatively new common law development supplemented by codifying statutes including statutes governing damages. While India generally follows the UK approach, there are certain differences which may indicate judicial activism, hence creating controversy. Tort is the breach of some duty independent of […]

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