CfP: 13th Asian Criminology Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Technology and its Impact on Law, Criminal Justice and Public Policy’ [Jul 20-23]: Submit by Mar 31


Asian Criminological Society and Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) are organizing the 13th ASIAN Criminology Conference on the theme ‘Emerging Trends in Technology and its Impact on Law, Criminal Justice and Public Policy’ and paper submissions the same are cordially invited.

About the Organizers

The Asian Criminological Society (ACS) was established in 2009 in Macau with the following objectives:

  • to promote the study of criminology and criminal justice across Asia;
  • to enhance co-operation in the fields of criminology and criminal justice by scholars and practitioners;
  • to encourage communication between criminologists and criminal justice practitioners in Asia and the world through publications and conferences; and finally,
  • to foster training and research in criminology and criminal justice in institutions of learning, and in criminal justice agencies.

Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) is a statutory University established by the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003. The University is recognized by the Bar Council of India and the UGC.

About the Conference

The epoch-making changes in various technologies, particularly information and communication technologies (ICT) have left its indelible mark on almost all facets of society and criminal justice systems are no exception. The emerging discourse on the interface of cutting-edge ICT and the existing criminal justice systems range from essentialism to situations where technology adds substantial value to the criminal justice processes – from supporting to replacing human discretion in the justice dispensation chain. 

We no longer refer to technology per se; instead, we have come to recognize a combination of disruptive technologies. The first is Artificial Intelligence (AI) which encompasses machine learning and intelligent cybernetics.

Second is the Internet of Things (IoT) that has enabled establishing the digital identity of not just all living beings on the planet apart from various inanimate participants in digital processes.

The third is blockchain technology which has a rich collection of applications that are already disrupting evidence systems, particularly in accounting and logistics by introducing new concepts of authenticity, using crypto primitives.  

Alongside disruptive technologies, researchers are now looking at two waves of disruption to legal systems that are triggered by the need to relate the existing criminal justice systems to the compelling changes ushered in by disruptive technologies. Brownsword’s seminal work on this subject clearly indicates the power of these two disruptive waves hitting the coast of the existing legal system.

The first wave drives us to examine if the existing laws have lost their fitness-for-purpose in the context of the inroads made by technologies in general; not just ICT. The second wave is more about the ways in which technologies can be harnessed by the criminal justice dispensation system to add value, resulting in a better dispensation of justice.  

This conference will address two key questions emanating from the interface of laws and technology, in the context of harnessing technology to improve the criminal justice process. First will be areas where the existing laws are seen as being out-of-sync with contemporary technologies and second will be areas where technology can be used to play a significant role in the criminal justice process; particularly in policing.

Who can Attend?

This conference is aimed at educators, researchers, academicians and practitioners in the area of Criminology, Victimology, Law, Sociology, Information Technology,  and allied sciences, from Criminal Justice Professionals, NGO practitioners, and from experts in the fields of cyber-crimes, information security and digital forensics.

The conference will have a balance of lectures and presentations from the academic as well as the practitioners’ perspective and will have renowned speakers.

It is aimed at creating a platform for a healthy exchange, debate and development of ideas and emerging issues in the area of Law and Technology, Criminal Justice and Public Policy.

Call for Submissions

Research Papers on the above theme and sub-themes are invited from faculties, researchers and students in the fields of Criminology, Victimology, Law, Sociology, Information Technology,  and allied sciences, from Criminal Justice Professionals, NGO practitioners, and from experts in the fields of cyber-crimes, information security and digital forensics.

An abstract of the papers to be presented with not more than 300 words should be submitted on or before March 31, 2022. After the acceptance of the abstract, the full paper should be submitted on or before April 30, 2022. The abstract and the full papers should be sent to

ACS Student Best Paper Award

  • ACS Student Best Paper Awards will be given for the 2 best research papers submitted by the students and the research scholars of Criminology, Law and related subjects.
  • The age limit for submission under this category is below 30 years on or before April 30, 2022.
  • The papers should be an outcome of an empirical research study conducted relating to the theme and sub-themes of the conferences in the last five years.
  • The papers under this category should be sent to

Publication and Certificate

  • Selected peer-reviewed papers will be published in a book with ISBN, subject to the review committee’s approval set up by the Organising Committee. The organising committee’s decision will be final in case of any dispute/discrepancy.
  • The Certificate of Presentation will be issued to the author(s) who will remain present on all the conference days.
  • For the Certificate of Presentation, the author(s) must present their Research Paper before the technical session chair(s). Certificate of Participation will also be issued to all the participants. Certificates will be distributed after the valedictory session.

Paper Submission Guidelines


  • The participants are requested to submit an abstract of a maximum 300 words in Microsoft Word document, Font style – (Italic- sized) Times New Roman, Font Size – 12, line spacing – Single.
  • The abstract may include a maximum of 4 keywords.
  • The abstract must include a clear indication of the objectives, methodology, major results, implications, and key references.
  • All abstracts will be subject to blind review and only those abstracts approved by the reviewers will be selected to submit their complete paper for the final presentation. The criteria for evaluation by the reviewers are based on Relevance, Methodology and Originality.

Submission Guidelines

The authors whose abstracts are selected have to pay the registration fees by April 30, 2022 (for details about registration and fees refer to “REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT DETAILS”. The soft copy of the final research paper must be submitted in .doc/.docx and .pdf format to by 11:59 PM, April 30, 2022, with the subject “Research Paper Submission”.

The body of email should contain the following details:

  • Title of paper and the relevant sub-theme
  • Name of the author(s)
  • Author affiliation
  • Brief bio-data of the author(s)

Authors must adhere to the formatting guidelines mentioned in the Brochure. 


  • There is no restriction on the number of co-authors. All such authors and co-author(s) will have to mandatorily and separately register themselves by paying the requisite registration fees.
  • At least one person amongst the author or co-authors has to be present for presenting the paper. Only those who are submitting the full paper can attend the conference and present their paper.

Important Dates

  • Submission of Abstract: March 31, 2022
  • Payment of Registration Fee and Registration: April 30, 2022
  • Submission of Final Paper: April 30, 2022
  • Dates of Conference and Paper Presentation: July 20-23, 2022

How to Register?

All the delegates should register for the conference online or offline in the proposed format provided by filling the Google Form through the link given at the end of this post.

Note: Registration is mandatory before submission of the Final Research Paper. Further, no registration is required for submitting abstracts.

Registration Fee

(To be paid not later than April 30, 2022)

  • Foreign Delegates:100 USD (without Accommodation).
  • Foreign Delegates: 200 USD (with Accommodation for 4 nights).
  • Indian Delegates: 6000 INR (with Accommodation for 4 nights).
  • Foreign student/full time research scholar under the age of 30 years: 50 USD (without Accommodation).
  • Foreign student/full time research scholar under the age of 30 years: 150 USD (with Accommodation for 4 nights).
  • Indian student/full time research scholars under the age of 30 years: 4000 INR (with Accommodation for 4 nights).

Registration fee after 30th April 2022

  • Indian Delegates: 7000 INR (with Accommodation for 4 nights)
  • Indian student / full time research scholars under the age of 30 years: 5000 INR (with Accommodation for 4 nights)

For the payment procedure, please refer to the attached brochure. 

Contact Information

In case of any queries, you may mail us at or contact:

Mr. Nihal Deo, Student Convenor, Contact Number: +91-9631222159

Click here to register for the conference.

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