National Council For Cooperative Training

JOB- Consultant (Legal) @ National Council For Cooperative Training – Apply Now



National Council for Cooperative Training invites application for the post of Consultant (Young). You can apply for the job immediately and remuneration offered is rs 35,000/-.

Name of the Post

Consultant (Legal)


 Rs. 35,000/-

How to apply?

  1. Interested candidates may forward his/her Biodata with filled attached Proforma at Annexure-I of the official notification including a copy of the documents (self-attested) with two colour photographs to
  2. NCCT reserves the right to cancel all and/or any position, Interview without assigning any reason thereof.
  3. In case of any change in the date and time of interview, the same would e informed to the candidates well in time.
  4. Date of Interview is 04.10.2020 at 11:00 am.

Official Notification

To Access Official Notification, click here

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