About Maharishi University
Maharishi University of Information Technology (MUIT) was established under MUIT Uttar Pradesh Act No. 31 of 2001 Notification No. 573 dated 06 October, 2001. The University Campus is at PO- Maharishi Nagar Dist. GB Nagar, Sec 110, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The University is reputed to disseminate quality education. His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji was the First Chancellor of the University. MUIT has been recognized and included in the list of the Universities, maintained by the UGC under section 2 (f) of the UGC Act, 1956. The University offers B.Sc. in Animation & Multimedia with Life Skills, M.Sc. in Animation and Multimedia with Life Skills, B.Tech in Computer & Data Science, B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, M.Sc. in Data Science, P.G. Diploma in Data Science, BBA LL.B, B.A. LL.B, LL.B, LL.M and Ph.D (Law) courses.
About Maharishi Law School
Maharishi Law School (MLS) established in 2017 under Maharishi University of information Technology. Maharishi Law School is one of the premier Law School managed by Maharishi Society. This Law School is known for its teaching methodology and offers its UG and PG programs. The School of Law also encourages the students to participate in academic events like Moot Courts, Debate, Quiz, Seminars, Conferences and workshops etc. in inter university/ college and intra college competitions. The MLS also maintains a free Legal Aid Clinic so as to acquaint the students with the client counsel interactive process. MLS have a spacious law library with good number of text books, law journals, periodicals as well as online access to legal data bases for catering the needs of the students. MLS believes to achieve excellence in education progress serving the public and fostering justice.
MLS objective towards legal fraternity is not only the dissemination of legal knowledge but also includes the agenda of national development by the proper delivery of justice at every end, We at MUIT, strive to offer the best of everything to our students. Keeping up with the title of being one of the best Private Law Schools in Noida, we make sure that the students and faculties don’t face any problems within the campus. Having said this, we take immense care about the safety and security of all our students and staff, both within and outside the campus.
About the Journal
It is a matter of great pleasure to inform you that Maharishi Law School is coming up with its Vol.3 Issue- 1, Annual Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed National Journal – Maharishi Journal of Law & Society. This Journal is aimed at bringing together the thoughtful persons from Industry and Academia engaged in Law profession. It is our endeavor that we would like to set an agenda for Research & Development.
We hereby take this opportunity to invite you to contribute Research Papers/Articles/Book Review on the contemporary issues related to the field of law. The detailed guidelines for contributors are enclosed herewith.
We request you to enrich our Journal by your valuable contributions. We shall be thankful to you if you could circulate this information among your colleagues, research scholars and students interested in research and publications.
Any Contemporary Issues related to Law.
Important dates
- Last date for full paper submission: 15th May, 2021 (Submissions should be made in Word/ Doc. Format only)
- Intimation of the selection of Full Paper: Within 15 days of submission.
Guidelines for Submission
Abstract: Every submission should be accompanied by an abstract of 250-300 words describing the relevant conclusions drawn in the manuscript.
Copyright: Author(s) shall warrant that the paper submitted for publication do not infringe the copyright of any other person. Except agreed otherwise, the copyright of the articles published shall vest with the publisher, viz., the Maharishi Law School, Noida. However, editorial board of Law Journal of the University shall not be liable for any copyright infringement by the authors.
Cover Page: In order to facilitate anonymity, authors must mention their names, contact details and affiliations only on the cover page of the manuscript.
English: Follow British spellings and punctuation conventions.
Font Size & Style: Kindly use Times New Roman, 12 point, for the main text and 10 point for footnotes.
Headings: The heading should be used as per the following style:
- First Heading: 14 pt, bold, centre
- Second Heading: 12 pt, bold, left- aligned
- Third Heading: 12 pt, Italics, Centre
Length: Articles should generally be between 8,000 and 10,000 words (including footnotes. Notes, case comments and book reviews should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words. The Editorial Board may, however, accept longer submissions in appropriate cases.)
Line Spacing: The line spacing of main text of paper should be 1.5.
References: Footnotes should be used and not end notes.
Footnoting Style for Book and Articles: Books: Name of the author, Title of the book (in italics), addition (if any), name of the publisher, place of publication, year, page no., Articles: Name of the Author, Title (In Double Quotes), Name of Journal, Volume, Year, Page No. (Otherwise, the mode of citation provided in the journal itself).
Review Process: All papers will be reviewed anonymously by the editorial board. Author(s) will be notified within 4-6 weeks about the status of their papers. Request for expedit review may not be entertained.
Substance: Paper should contain an original contribution to scholarship by making a cohesive argument supported with appropriate authorities.
Quotations/ Quotation Mark: Quotations over 50 words should be intended. Double quotation mark should be used; single quotation mark should be used only for quotes within a quotation.
Complimentary Copies: All author(s) will be provided one complimentary copy of the issue in which their paper appears.
Publication Fees: NIL
To Submit, Click Here ( [Call for Papers] at Maharishi Journal for Law & Society, Vol. III Issue I with ISSN: 2581- 8007, RNI: UPENG/2018/7632 by Maharishi Law School, Maharishi University, Noida [Submit by 15 May 2021] (google.com) )
For More Details, Contact
Dr. K. B. Asthana, Editor
Dr. Annu Bahl Mehra
Mr. Harshit Kiran, Student Coordinator
Mr. Prashant Singh, Student Coordinator
Ph. No.: +91- 9472434013 or +91- 8085303631
E-Mail: publicationsmls@gmail.com
For more CFP – CLICK HERE.
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