
WAR OF WORDS: 2 Edition of Online National Debate Competition, Organized By In Light Of Law and Legal, Register Now, Cash Prizes Worth Rs. 4600 With Other Interesting Perks


After the successful conduction of 1st Edition of War of Words: Online National Debate Competition with such a fabulous response, here we are all set to host you for its 2nd Edition.

WAR OF WORDS – National Debate Competition for students studying in law, aims to provide an opportunity to come forward and experience the art of debating to take away the 3EsExperience, Expertise and Excellence.

The competition is to be judged by a panel of eminent jury members, which shall be comprise of:

  • 1 Judicial officer,
  • 1 High court or supreme court advocate,
  • 1 Faculty member.

About In Light Of Law

‘In Light Of Law’ is the team setup by the Law students and professionals to bridge the gap of unavailability of understandable and accessible study material for the budding Lawyers. We are actively organizing several quizzes, debates, virtual interactive sessions with eminent lawyers, academician and judges.

As the name LEGAL(Legal Education &Grooming Academy for Lawyers) itself defines, LEGAL is an organization working for the education of Law Students, Lawyers & Legal Officers. It’s a registered body under MSME (GoI) & DPDESR (GoR).

It is founded with the objective to work as a resource centre for Students, Law Colleges and to assist many other institutions who are working in the field of Legal Education but are facing serious issues in terms of executing their plans.


There will be two topics for the participants, one for the preliminary round & other for the Semi Final & Final Round. 

  • For the preliminary round: ‘Should Governments be granted access to encrypted means of communication’
  • The topic for the Semi-final and Final round will be announced on your registered mail id two day prior to the competition i.e. 20th Jan, 2022.

Registration Process

  • You have to pay a nominal fee of 49 rupees as team registration amount. The registration form can be accessed here.

Note: We have fixed a cab of 24 registrations, which will be filled on first come first basis. So, secure your place as earliest.

  • You have to upload the screenshot of your payment receipt. The payment can be made on:
  • UPI/Paytm/Gpay on 8000201350 (Ankit Jindal)

Important Dates

  • Registration starts: 5th Jan,
  • Last date for registration: 20th Jan,
  • Release of topic for semi-final and final round:20th Jan,
  • Preliminary round:22nd Jan (Saturday),
  • Semi-final and final round:23rd Jan (Sunday).
  • Announcement of results:23rd Jan.
  • Release of certificates: within 15 days of announcement of results.

General Guidelines

  1. Students enrolled in UG/PG Law courses are eligible to participate.
  2. The competition will be organized on zoom video conferencing application, in online mode.
  3. It is a conventional debate which will be organized in three rounds: preliminary, semi-final and final.
  4. Students are invited in a team of two (cross university teams are permitted).
  5. Speaker 1 of the team shall speak for the motion and Speaker 2 shall speak against the motion.
  6. For the Preliminary and semi-final Round, each speaker shall be allowed to speak for 3 minutes and for the final round, each speaker shall be allowed to speak for 5 minutes.
  7. Granting the rebuttal will be the soul discretion of the judges.
  8. There shall be negative marking for exceeding prescribed time limit.
  9. Decision of the judges shall be final, and no objection shall be entertained.
  10. As per the Draw of Lots, Speaker 1(for the motion) of a team shall individually contest with Speaker 2(against the motion) of the other team. The cumulative marks of both the speakers of one team shall decide the position of the team and its further promotion to the next Round.
  11. For example, there are two teams: Team A and Team B. Speaker 1 (for the motion) of Team A will debate with Speaker 2 (against the motion) of Team B. And Speaker 2(against the motion) of Team A will contest with Speaker 1(for the motion) of Team B. The total marks obtained by Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 of Team A will decide their position. Same goes for Team B.
  12. The team codes shall be allotted to the participants one day before the competition, that is,21st Jan, 2022.
  13. All participants must refrain from disclosing the identity of themselves and their institution at any time and in any manner, during the course of their participation in the competition, and shall only represent themselves by the team codes allotted to them.
  14. Each speaker shall keep their cameras and mics on throughout the round, especially when he/she is speaking (including in to the rebuttals).
  15. The dress code for the competition is western formals.
  16. Use of foul or obscene language will lead to disqualification.
  17. No usage of any book, document or electronic gadget is allowed with the participant while speaking.
  18. Participants should ensure proper network connectivity before and during the session.
  19. In case there will be any technical issue from the organizer’s side, the time limit extension will be done accordingly.
  20. The organizers reserve the right to alter or change the rules or the procedure of the competition.

Disclaimer: The Rule shall be strictly adhered to. The organizers reserve the right to disqualify teams for deviating from the rules. The Organizers will resolve any contingencies that may arise and will be the final arbiters regarding any doubts/ grievances. The decision taken by the Organizers shall be final.

The Grounds for Evaluation

The ground for evaluation of debate will be on following parameters:

  • Organization and Clarity: 20 marks.
  • Presentation Style: 20 marks.
  • Knowledge of Subject: 20 marks.
  • Originality and Ingeniousness: 20 marks.
  • Ability to deal with question and rebuttals concisely and effectively: 20 marks.

Total 100 Marks.

Prizes and Perks

Winning Team       :Rs. 2100/-(Cash Prize), e-Certificate &Paid Internship Opportunity
Runners-Up Team :Rs. 1500/- (Cash Prize), e-Certificate &Paid Internship Opportunity
Best Speakers        :Rs. 500/-(Cash Prize to each – Favor& Against), e-Certificate &Paid Internship Opportunity
For the other participants:Participation certificate.

Contact Information

Siddharth Sharma: +91-7297911597 (WhatsApp only)

Rishi Aggrawal: +91 9610066543



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