Are you a judiciary aspirant? Do you want to know the level of previous year judiciary papers? Do you want to take a reality check?
We have come up with a quick prep test for all budding judicial officers, with the aim to reward them for their preparation. Enroll in this quiz and give a chance to yourself to evaluate and win the exciting cash prizes.
Started in the year 2020, In Light of Law has walked and passed several milestones since then. The idea was to create a platform that would benefit in career building and to the academic aspects for the students of law, and serve the society at large.
To introduce, “In Light of Law” attempts an effort in keeping budding lawyers, researchers, and academicians updated with all the academic chances coming their way, in order to strengthen their career and promote much wider dissemination of information.
Our key activities involve:
- War of Words: As the name itself suggests, a debate tournament which encourage the legal students to put forward their ideas, arguments and allow them to settle on a logical conclusion. It is our flagship event, which is organized on the quarterly basis.
- Virtual group discussion session: Here we provides a forum to the law fraternity to interact with top legal brains of the country, including retired Supreme Court/High Court judges, advocates, academician or subject matter experts.
- Created a lot of online quizzes,
- Jail visits: By working with many local groups, we help the law students to visit, and learn the prison system, to talk with the prisoners and concern authorities, so that sense of empathy can be generated amongst them.
- Ongoing legal assistance camps in the immediate vicinity: With the help of our affiliation of several law colleges, organisations, individual advocates, paralegal volunteers and interns, we attempts to provide free legal aid to the needy persons.
About the Competition
- Theme: Indian Constitution and Contract law only.
Note: The standard of the quiz shall remain same as the real judiciary paper for judiciary aspirant.
- Last date for registration: 5th Nov, 2022.
- The competition is scheduled on 6th Nov, 2022.
- Announcement of results: 7th Nov, 2022.
- Timings: 5:00 PM to 5:25 PM.
- The total number of questions will be 50. All questions will carry 01, one marks each.
- Total time period to attempt these questions will be 25 minutes.
- There will be no negative marking.
- In case of a tie, the person who has completed first will be given preference.
- In case of any ambiguity, the decision of the Organizers shall be final and binding.
Who can register?
The scope of the quiz is limited to Constitutional and Contract law, so anyone who is a judiciary aspirant with these subjects can enroll. This quiz is intended to serve you the first-hand experience of questions related Constitutional law and Contract law portion of a judiciary exam paper. Most of the questions will be asked from previous year questions papers of various state judiciary exams.
Registration details:
- You have to pay a nominal fee of 99 rupees as registration amount. The registration form can be accessed here.
Note: All the money collected through registration amount will be utilized in distribution of prizes to the winners. The Google form will stop accepting entries upon reaching on a certain number of registrations.
- You have to upload the screenshot of your payment receipt. The payment can be made on:
- UPI/Paytm/Gpay on 7297911597 (Siddharth Sharma)
- 1st prize: Rs. 1500.
- 2nd prize: Rs. 1100.
- 3rd prize: Rs. 700.
- 4th prize: Rs. 500.
Please note: No certificates will be provided for this competition.
Contact Details:
For any queries feel free to reach us at:
WhatsApp: 7297911597 (Siddharth Sharma)
For more Quiz – CLICK HERE.
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