National Essay writing competition


Essay Competitions OPPORTUNITIES

The Legal Lock is pleased to announce its first-ever National Article Writing Competition. The initiative is to provide a platform for the participants to express their views lucidly in a concise manner upon the various legal topics and ongoing problems which will capture and gauge the students’ distinctive ability and skill to vividly express their opinions on any topic. This competition can be used as a great opportunity for the students to explore and develop their writing skills.

 Last date to register: 14th September,2021

Link to register:



  • Students/participants must be pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree from any recognized college or university.
  • Participants may seek individual participation or may apply with co-authors, not exceeding 2 authors in one team. For teaming up, participants from different universities or colleges are allowed.


Submissions that deal with any aspect of Social-Legal & Economic-Legal Issues will be considered. The participants are free to explore other fields as well in the scope of the law.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions are to be made via goggle form after due registration.
  • The article must be accompanied by an email providing the participant’s name, course and year of study, institutional affiliation, postal address, and mobile number.  
  • All submissions must be made by 18th September 2021. 
  • Co-authorship is permitted up to one. 
  • Submission shall be in the English language. 
  • Word limit of the submission is 1200-1800 words, excluding footnotes. 
  • Any submission that is found to be plagiarized shall be disqualified from the Competition. 

Formatting Guidelines

  • Submission shall be typewritten in an A4 sized document with a 1-inch margin on all sides and be justified. The main text of the submission shall be in Font Times New Roman 12point.
  • Further, footnotes shall be in Font Times New Roman 10-point. 
  • Submission should be 1.5 spaced (except footnotes which should be single-spaced). 
  • Submission must be in ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format only. 
  • All submissions must follow the Harvard Bluebook 20th Edition system of citation. 


  • 1st Prize: Cash Prize ₹500 + Certificate of Appreciation + 1 month internship at The Legal Lock + 1 Publication in Legal Lock Journal.
  • 2nd Prize: Cash Prize ₹250 + Certificate of Appreciation + 1 month internship at The Legal Lock + 1 Publication in Legal Lock Journal.
  • 3rd Prize: Cash Prize ₹150 + Certificate of Appreciation + 1 month internship at The Legal Lock.
  • *E-Certificates of Participation will be provided to all the participants making their submission.

The top 15 articles (under merit) of participants are entitled to have their work published on our website.

*The prize money may vary, according to the number of registrations.

The content should be the original work of the writer and should not have been given to any other competition or for any publication. Plagiarized content shall not be entertained.

Important Dates

  • Last Date to Register: 14th September 2021
  • Last Date to Submit: 18th September 2021
  • Declaration of Results: 28th September 2021 (tentative)

Registration Details

Fees: ₹100 (Paytm/Google pay/UPI: 9997113838- VARUN AGARWAL)

Fill out the form below to register yourself.

For registration, follow the link:

For Submission:


For any further queries please feel free to reach at / 9997113838

For more Essay – CLICK HERE.

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