7 days Training Program on International Maritime Law by Gujarat Maritime University

Certificate Courses OPPORTUNITIES Others

We cordially invite you to our  7 days Training Program on International Maritime Law from 1 September, 2021 to 7 September, 2021. The event is being organized by Gujarat Maritime University in association with the School of Law, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU) – CENTRAL UNIVERSITY.


Maritime Law is a unique field of law that renders a great impact on the everyday life of the people. In today’s world, no country can work in isolation and maritime law enables countries to connect. As 90% of global trade depends upon ships, a great deal of emphasis has to be laid on the regulations governing the sea. Shipping law is intricate, yet exciting field to pursue as a profession. Increasing work in the maritime space because of reasons like ship arrest, cargo claims etc. provides excellent opportunities. Seven days Training Program is aimed to cover wide range of areas related to maritime law including Shipping Contract, Marine Environment, Marine labour law, Admiralty law etc.

Significance of the Course

To make the participants aware of legal framework governing maritime sector. It will equip participants with knowledge on contemporary and advance issues related to maritime sector. The training course would be ideal for students and professionals aiming to be specialist in the shipping and maritime domain.

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