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4th GNLU Workshop on Economic Analysis of Crime and Constitutional Law: Register by July 21

Seminars/ Webinars

GNLU Centre for Law and Economics is organizing the 4th GNLU Workshop on Economic Analysis of Crime and Constitutional Law.

About the GNLU

GNLU is a statutory University established by the Government of Gujarat through the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003, GNLU is recognized by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and the University Grants Commission (UGC).

About the CLE

The Centre for Law & Economics (CLE) is a centre of excellence for research and training in the discipline of Law & Economics (also referred to as the Economic Analysis of Law), the Centre values rigorous work in the discipline and aims to promote awareness of and research in the field.

It carries out courses and conferences for scholars, practitioners and students apart from publications on the economic analysis of contemporary legal issues. It aims to produce quality prescriptions for legislators, regulators and government departments and provide clear explanations and guidance to businesses and ordinary citizens alike. They are organising 4th GNLU Workshop on Economic Analysis of Crime and Constitutional Law.

About the Workshop

Economics lets one examine the choices made, given the various constraints they have. As the constraints change, behaviour changes as well. Be it Legislature, Executive or Judiciary, any decision-making body as well gives considerable attention towards impact analysis through economic tools.

It becomes pertinent to read Law and Economics, wherein economic tools are used to better understand the law and to find its efficiency and working. It permits the greater use of economics to examine the law in addition to recognizing the importance of law to an analysis of the economy.

Keeping the objective in mind, the workshop will aim at providing insight to learners regarding the application of the economic approach in the legal arena by touching upon key areas of law i.e., Constitutional law and Criminal Law.

General Details

  • Date: August 2-3, 2023, and August 9-10, 2023.
  • Time: 6 PM- 8.30 PM.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students/Research Scholars pursuing M.A./M.Phil/Ph.D Discipline in Economics.
  • Research Scholars pursuing PhD. in the interdisciplinary study of Law and Economics.
  • Students/Research Scholars pursuing M.A./M.Phil/Ph.D Discipline in Statistics.
  • Students/Research Scholars pursuing M.A./M.Phil/Ph.D Discipline in Public Policy.
  • Students/Research Scholars pursuing M.A./M.Phil/Ph.D Discipline in Development Studies.
  • Students pursuing Five-Year/Three-year LLB Discipline.
  • Students pursuing One-Year/Two-Year LLM Discipline.
  • Academicians teaching and researching in the interdisciplinary study of law and economics.
  • Professionals working in Banking, Finance, or Economics field.

How to Register?

Interested participants can register through the link given at the end of the post.

Registration Fees

  • GNLU Participants: Rs.1000/- (INR).
  • External Participants: Rs. 2000/- (INR) Incl. GST.

Registration Deadline

July 21, 2023.


A certificate of Participation will be provided upon successful completion of the workshop.

Click here for the payment.

Click here to register.



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