



Legis Scriptor endeavors to showcase quality academic content across various fields of Law. We take pride in launching the first edition for the call for blogs to give an opportunity to the members of all legal fraternity to pen down their views and analyze different legal issues across the world.


In furtherance to the aim of revolutionizing the legal educational sector and Enthused by the success of 1st Edition of Online National Client Counselling Competition, Legis Scriptor is pleased to introduce 2nd National Client Counselling Competition.

The Client Counseling Competition promotes greater knowledge and interest among law students in the preventative law and counselling functions of law practice. It also encourages students to develop interviewing, planning, and analytical skills in the lawyer- client relationship in the law office. Interviewing and advising are a significant part of most lawyer’s work. The Competition provides an opportunity for a valuable educational and cultural interchange between students, law teachers, and legal practitioners.


LANGUAGE: English/Hindi

ELIGIBILITY: Students of three year and five-year law degree courses from any University/Law School/College/Department are eligible to apply for registration of their team.

TEAM COMPOSITION: Each team shall consist of one individual or maximum of two persons that qualify the eligibility criteria. Multiple teams are allowed from different University/Law School/College/Departments.


  • The registration fee shall be Rs. 499/- for each team. The registration fee shall be non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • The last date for registration is 10:00 p.m. IST, 10th November, 2021.
  • Teams can register by filing up the google form, which is given below
  • https://forms.gle/crwiUoiEza7ib6Se6
  • Only 30 teams will be allowed to register in the competition on first-come-first serve basis.

Note: No approval from the respective institute of the participants is required for participation.


     PayTM no.:7703902276

     Google Pay: devashishtiwari8@oksbi

     Phone Pay: 7703902276@ybl

OR pay through UPI

      UPI ID:7703902276@paytm

After the payment all participants are required to upload screenshots of the same on Google form given below while registration.

DRESS CODE: The dress code for the competition is business formals. Gowns and bands are not permitted to be worn by the participants in the competition. Non adherence to dress code shall attract penalty.

THEME: The Client Counselling preposition for the 2nd National Client Counselling Competition 2021, organized by Legis Scriptor, is based on Consumer Laws, Family Laws, Constitutional Laws, Law of Crimes, Contract Law, Property Laws and the Law of Torts.


Last date of Registration: 10:00 PM IST, 10th November, 2021

Problem for Preliminary Round will be released on: 11:00AM,11th November, 2021

Last Date of the submission of Audio/Video for Preliminary Round: 12:00 AM IST, 12th November, 2021

Result of Preliminary Round Declares on: 08:00 PM IST, 13th November, 2021

Semi Final Round and Final Round will be on: 14th November, 2021


There shall be three rounds of this competition and are as follows:

Preliminary Round- Preliminary round will be held through Audio/Video. Participants are required to make Audio/Video on the given problem.

If team consist of 2 individuals, then either-

  1. the participants can make audio/video together and upload 1 file,
  2. or they can make two files (one of each participant) and upload 2 files,
  3. or either of the participant can make his/her audio/video and upload 1 file.

Participants are required to submit their Audio/Video through google form. Problem will be send to all the teams on their given E-mail ID on 11:00AM, 11th November, 2021. Participants are required to send their audio/video till 12:00 AM IST, 12th November, 2021.

Top 4 teams shall be marked & selected on the basis of the content of their audio/video and carried forward to the next round i.e. Semi Finals.

Semi Final- Semi Final will be done on Zoom meeting/WebEx/google meet. Top 4 teams which qualifies the preliminary round shall compete against each other and out of which 2 teams shall be carried forward to the final round.

Final Round- Final Round will be done on Zoom meeting/WebEx/google meet. Top 2 teams from Semi-Final Round shall compete against each other and the winner and the runners up shall be declared from them.


BEST TEAM (1st Position) – Prize money of Rs. 1, 500/- + Certificate of Excellence + 50% Discount in Publication in Journal having ISSN No. + Discount Vouchers for the course conducted by Memo Pundit.

RUNNER UP TEAM (2nd Position) – Prize money of Rs. 1, 000/- + Certificate of Excellence + 50% Discount in Publication in Journal having ISSN No. + + Discount Vouchers for the course conducted by Memo Pundit.

3rd Position- Certificate of Excellence + 50% Discount in Publication in Journal having ISSN No. + + Discount Vouchers for the course conducted by Memo Pundit.

4th Position- 10th Position- Certificate of Merit + 25% Discount is Publication in journal having ISSN no. + + Discount Vouchers for the course conducted by Memo Pundit.

*All the participants who registered for this competition will receive “CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION”.

BROCHURE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uJwdTIaVnnZMEBp84YC1h8-rmV65Gk3U/view?usp=sharing

Contact us for any query:

E-mail: info.legisscriptor@gmail.com  WhatsApp number: 8851264387

Note: if in case of any query, participant can drop a message on whatsapp on the number given above and they will receive a call from concerned authority in 24 hrs. to resolve their query.

For more Quiz – CLICK HERE.

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