International Journal of Advanced Legal Research

ONLINE CERTIFICATE COURSE ON MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS BY International Journal of Advanced Legal Research

Certificate Courses OPPORTUNITIES Others


It is a quarterly, peer reviewed, online journal which provides an interactive platform for the publication of Short Articles, Long Articles, Book Reviews, Case Comments, Research Papers, Essays in the field of Law. It is a platform to promote legal research among the law students across India.

About the Course

Mergers & Acquisitions are an exciting area of specialization and many young law students and law graduates dream of becoming M&A Lawyers. The course will provide you insights into the aspects of M&A in India

Course Instructor

Adv. Preeti Ahluwalia, Practicing in Delhi High Court.


All law students and Professionals.


20 Days (1st November – 20th November)


All the participants will be given e-certificate after successful completion of course.

The Course is comprised of the following Modules:

1. Introduction to Mergers & Acquisitions.
2. Series of steps involved in Mergers & Acquisitions.
3. Due Diligence and Negotiations.
4. Laws governing Mergers & Acquisitions.
5. Finances and post Merger Management.
Note: This is a Module Based Course

There will be an exam after the course.

Last date of Registration

31st October, 2020

Course Fee

The Course fee is INR 90/-

Mode of Payment

Participants can make payment through following method:
Google Pay, PhonePe & Paytm at – 99911-40223 Participants have to register themselves through registration link given below: any queries mail us at: ijalrcourse@gmail.comOr visit us at:
Whatsapp: +9199911-40223

Visit our Instagram page @lawyergyan at this link.

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