Gumnami Baba

INTERVIEW: ‘People came to the commission with belief that Gumnami Baba was Netaji’


As the riddle around Netaji’s vanishing proceeds, yet another report has been drawn up, this time by the retired judge of the Allahabad high court Justice Vishnu Sahai. The Justice Sahai Commission, which was founded a year ago by the Samajwadi Party government in UP to discover the personality of Faizabad’s Gumnami Baba’who many accepted was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, presented its answer to representative Ram Naik on Monday. Equity Sahai, in a selective meeting, disclosed to TOI how the solid conviction among individuals and the long time pass between Gumnami Baba’s demise in 1985 and affidavits by witnesses over 30 years after the fact made it a testing undertaking. Passages…

Q: When was the commission founded and what was its order?

A: The commission was shaped through an Uttar Pradesh government notice of June 28, 2016. The commission was shaped to discover the personality of Gumnami Baba false name Bhagwanji, who passed on in Ram Bhavan in Faizabad in September 1985.

Q: What has been your decision?

An: I can’t remark on this. I have presented the request answer to the representative.

Q: What were the wellsprings of confirmation on which you based your report?

A: The essential wellspring of confirmation were the witnesses who either showed up before me face to face or whose affirmations were dealt with by me as articulations before the commission. The second source were articles relating to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and his family, recuperated from the room in Ram Bhavan in Faizabad where Gumnami Baba lived. The articles incorporate round glasses and photographs of Netaji’s folks. The essential source was the proof of witnesses while the optional confirmation just had validating quality.

Altogether, 35 people showed up face to face before the commission and 10 recorded oaths, which were dealt with by the commission as their announcements.

Q: What did the witnesses share with you as proof?

An: A lion’s share of the witnesses said Gumnami Baba was Netaji or may have been Netaji. A few witnesses likewise said he was definitely not.

Q: What was the most difficult undertaking that you confronted while assessing the confirmation of witnesses?

A: Despite the way that the order of the commission was to discover the personality of Gumnami Baba, dominant part of the witnesses began with the commence that Gumnami Baba was for sure Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Their approach was that in the event that the commission did not concur with their commence, at exactly that point should it endeavor to discover the personality of Gumnami Baba. As it were, they put things in the wrong order.

Another angle I needed to remember while assessing proof of witnesses was that Gumnami Baba passed on in 1985 and witnesses gave their announcements in 2016 and 2017. This is a decent time slack of more than three decades. It is normal that with entry of time, their memory diminished and, now and again, they were inclined to envisioning certainties and occasions about which they ousted.

Q: Who were the witnesses who offered proof to the commission?

An: It was a varying parcel. There were the individuals who went to Gumnami Baba as they saw him to be an otherworldly individual. Some interacted with him while serving him. A few columnists who were interested about his personality additionally dismissed. What’s more, a few individuals from Netaji’s family dismissed as well.

Q: What made those witnesses, who felt Gumnami Baba was Netaji, trust so?

A: Many of them said they had this conviction as a result of the striking similarity between the substance of Netaji and that of Gumnami Baba.


Times of India

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