ADULTERY under Indian Penal Code

ADULTERY On 27 September, 2018 the Supreme Court of India had announced it’s another major verdict by decriminalising adultery aimed at upholding the right of life and freedom just a few days after the judgement on Section-377. The judgement was given by 5 judge bench headed by Chief Justice of India Dipak Mishra where he […]

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Adultery- Sections 497 and 498 of IPC are dusty Victorian remnants

Since its initiation, the law identified with adultery in India has been liable to grave contention in regards to a few of its key issues. The lawfulness of these laws in India has contended in view of their inclination to demonstrate an unmistakable feeling of sexual orientation predisposition. What is Adultery by the definition of […]

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Stay on wedding of controversial ‘legal adviser’

Court- Woman wins legal battle to get hubby declared civil dead

A lady whose spouse disappeared in 2002 needed to battle a fight in court to get his ‘common passing’ pronounced which could empower her to get the taxpayer driven organization on compensatory grounds other than all assets and tip. According to law, if any individual isn’t seen or anything knew about him for a long […]

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