CLAT 2020

CLAT 2020: Exam Date Postponed: Apply by July 1st

ABOUT Common Law Admission Test (CLAT 2020) has been postponed once again, in light of the Coronavirus pandemic and the consequent nationwide lockdown. Date to apply for clay has been extended and the exam date will be notified after the next meeting which is scheduled on 1st July 2020. The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT […]

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Vizag Gas Leak

WEBINAR- “Understanding Strict & Absolute Liability in Vizag Gas Leak: Constitutional view”

ABOUT Zia Judicials Legal Research Cell is organising a webinar on “Understanding Strict & Absolute Liability in Vizag Gas Leak: Constitutional view”. Zia Judicials Invites you for Webinar on- Date: 26th May 2020 Time: 3:00 to 4:00 pm Venue: Online@zoom Speaker- Mr.Ravi Prakash (Advocate on Record -Supreme Court, LL.M.(l.L.l;New Delhi), B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) (H.N.L.U.,Raipur) UGC NET (2011) […]

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lawfeees e1528988424603

Should India Regulate Lawyers’ Fees?

Law is as important a profession as it is a system in India. Lawyers are the heart and soul of providing perennial justice to each Indian. A Lawyer is concurred no less than a Messiah. Still, we hear people curse our litigators simply, for not taking up their case. I mean, ultimately, it’s the lawyers […]

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Common law admission test (CLAT) conducted by different National law universities each year in order to give admissions to the 19 national law universities spread across the country has been in focus in both judicial and public discourse in recent years. The gross mis-administration in the conduct of the exam as well as the publication […]

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Foreign Law Firms

BLOG- SC Clarifies Foreign Law Firms Scope Of Services In India

The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India (Supreme Court) articulated a judgment limiting foreign law firms and lawyers from setting up workplaces in India and has just enabled them to come to India on the impermanent reason for exhorting on outside the law and for cooperation in worldwide business mediations in India. Further, limitations have been […]

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