MOOT- 5th GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law (GNLUMSIL) [Sep 12-15]: Register by July 15

Since its establishment in 2015, GNLUMSIL has garnered praise for providing a platform to students to be able to simulate challenges faced by the Indian capital markets, and at the same time, offering them a stimulating opportunity for research and learning in the domain of Indian securities and investment regulation. The field of Securities and […]

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4th GNLU Moot

MOOT- 4th GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law 2018: Apply by July 16

ABOUT- 4th GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law 2018, GNLUMSIL is an excellent platform for the law students to sharpen their legal research and advocacy skills in the field of securities and investment law. With the growing interest of students and young professionals across the nation in the field of Indian capital markets. GNLUMSIL goal […]

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