Tik Tok

Legisnations Webinar on Investor-State Arbitration: Case Study on Tik Tok Ban in Correlation with International Law

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About the Organiser:

Legisnations is a social platform where writers integrate their efforts to write on the various economic, social, political and legal issues happening all around the world. An issue happening around the world is magnified by the complexities in the way it is presented and it is crucial to decipher and break it down to the above four aspects.  Legisnations is organising a Webinar on Investor-State Arbitration: Case Study on Tik Tok Ban in Correlation with International Law.


Legisnations International Centre for Arbitration, Mediation, and Research (LICAMR) seeks to serve as a think-tank to generate awareness about arbitration law in theory and in practice and also carry out high-quality research in the field to assist policy-formulation by the Government. The Centre also intends to  serve as  a  platform for imparting professional training to  the stakeholders in the field of arbitration and cater to all areas of Arbitration, Mediation, and Conciliation especially the niche areas.


Investor-State Arbitration: Case Study on Tik Tok Ban in Correlation with International Law.

Aim of this Webinar:

To provide an understanding of the recent tik tok ban impact in reference to investor-state arbitration with an emphasis on international law.

Guest Speakers:

  • Abhishek Mishra – Faculty (Contractual) and Ph.D., Fellow at University of Hamburg
  • Pranay Lekhi – Legal Advisor, Allen and Overy


  • Kumar Rishabh Parth – Co-Founder, LegisNations
  • Arush Agarwal – Co-Founder, LegisNations


Any Person whether Student or Professionals.

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