Child Protection Services

Child Protection Services

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Child protection is the protection of children from any type of violation, abuse and also from any type of exploitation by any individuals. UN convention on the rights of child provides for the protection of children under Article 19 of the convention. Child Protection laws provide powers to the government and private organizations to monitor and take action against families or individuals where child abuse or exploitation is being done to the children. Many of the countries today, have introduced and executed laws to prevent these exploitations and harms. Child Protection systems are a set of rules and regulations that have been designed to protect the children who are underage from any type of child abuse, these services are been monitored and governed by the government and several other agencies. These services for the protection of child abuse are been protected by various organizations such as the Department of Children and Families, Department of Social Services, Department of Child Safety. Their main objective is to protect from any kind of assault, abuse and ensures stability to their families.

Child Protection Services in India

India Does have a very wide range of laws to protect children from any discrimination, child labour and exploitation done by any individual and also provides for the punishment for the same. Child Protection in India has been increasingly accepted as a core component for the social development in our society.  Violence against children has been seen at various places like at home, school, shops and even at child care institutions and it is been done by someone who is mostly known to the child. Most of the children have to face these problems like child marriage, sexual assault, bullying etc. and they have a long-lasting effect on the children’s lives. It is difficult to calculate this data as violence against children has been increasing day by day. Children are still been forced by several families to work in factories, homes and agricultural field for money. It is impossible to calculate the data as most of the cases are unreported in our society.

Several Solutions to end this violence, abuse and exploitation

Already the government has been working on generating awareness, improving rules and regulations and taking strict actions against violence and abuse of children. UNICEF[1] plays an important role in preventing and recovery of the survivor child and his family. It has been the most effective way to deal with the child sexual abuse and exploitation of both boy and girl child. These institutions have been providing counselling, supports for the continuation of school, providing employment and protection in our society. They give priority to social protection programs relating to the reduction of child marriage and child labour. UNICEF and the Indian government are working together to establish a children protection system and ultimately to evaluate and control this exploitation in our society. They must work things out to control this exploitation and those children should remain in economically stable families and get educated and employed later on. UNICEF along with government and civil society organizations have been building communities for these children so that they can be free and protected in our society. [1] 11th December 1946.
This blog is written by Sarthak Batra, Fairfield Institute of Management & Technology.

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