INTRODUCTION- The term Res sub judice is a Latin word which can be understood in pieces to get a clear meaning, so the word Res means litigation, lawsuit, or any matter in the court of law and the word sub-judice indicates its meaning as ‘under judgment’ which can be jointly interpreted as any suit or matter is […]

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Position of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in India

Position of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in India India is the second most populous country in the world. In such a big country, disputes also arise in huge numbers. Hence, justice delivery process becomes slow. Moreover, due to limited manpower in the judicial system, it becomes excessively slow. Therefore, to save themselves from getting never-ending […]

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alternative dispute resolution

BLOG- Arbitration: An alternative dispute resolution mechanism

With everything changing, many people now prefer alternative dispute resolution mechanisms outside the court, with arbitration being one of them. What is Arbitration? Arbitration is an out of court and an alternative dispute resolution system (ADR).  It is a private dispute resolution which the parties choose instead of the court resolution. Who decides the dispute? […]

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unfair trade practices in the education sector

Unfair Trade Practices In The Education Sector

 Unfair Trade Practices In  The Education Sector – The education sector has become one of the most prominent sectors of every economy. This sector has witnessed an unprecedented growth. With this growth, unfair trade practices in the education sector have also increased. Like every other sector, this sector has also been subject to malign intents […]

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

INTRODUCTION “It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps the justice alive.”                                                                                                             LJ Earl Warren The concept of Conflict Management through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has introduced a new mechanism of dispute resolution that is non adversarial. A dispute is basically ‘lis inter partes’ and the justice dispensation system in […]

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Contempt of Courts in India

INTRODUCTION The origin of the law of Contempt in India can be traced from the English law. In England Superior Courts of record have formed early times, exercised the power to commit for contempt persons who scandalized the Court or the Judges. The right of the Indian High Courts to punish for contempt was in […]

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