caste system

BLOG- Caste System: Then vs. Now

BLOG/ NEWS Constitution of India LAW EXPLAINED

To draw a comparison between the caste system at different times we should understand the term “caste”. I would prefer defining this in my own terms instead of looking up Wikipedia definitions. So in layman’s terms and in mine when a society starts to segregate and forms social groups based on various factors such as occupation, ethnicity, race et cetera and provide these groups with benefits exclusive to them, a society is said to have groups of people who identify themselves as belonging to a caste.

Then versus now is a very ambiguous comparison because it doesn’t specify which time periods we are comparing. In this article, I am comparing the prehistoric times with the modern times. By modern times I mean the time from which countries began to take shape.

Theory of evolution of caste according to me :

Caste is not something new, it is not something that popped up in the last few centuries. Think about it. Every one of us humans is unique. We have varied interests, talents, likings, and preferences. Then it is no surprise that we humans may have the ability to do something and the inability to do other things. This was the origin of us humans to be together in the first place.

It was in our best interests as humans in the stone age to survive and the best way to do it at that time is sticking together. Every colony or group of nomadic people stuck together so that they could pool in the various talents and skills of its members. In the stone age, the skills included hunter or fighter, leader, healer etc. Due to various external factors affecting these colonies classes or a hierarchy was formed. This was because one particular skill or talent was required the most and ensured their survival. The skill of hunting became the most important

because it was through that the colonies acquired the basic necessities of life which are food, water, and shelter. Hence fighters became important. But a leader was required to provide these fighters with direction. In history, the fiercest and the strongest fighter became the leader of the colony.


They were preferred and were prioritized in the colony. In these colonies, a hierarchy was formed based on skill and the expendability of each member increased with lower sections in the hierarchy. Chimpanzees preceded humans in evolution. Even they when in groups are stratified i.e. the strongest chimp gets the coziest places to sleep and can literally tear the weakest chimps into pieces and not be questioned. Hyenas live as a female dominant group. Wolf packs have alpha and beta males. It is in our nature to divide ourselves and let power get concentrated in a few individuals.

As Loki from the Marvel Cinematic Universe put it, “Humans are meant to be ruled”. It is a general stigma around the world that caste is exclusive to India alone. This statement is false as the stratification of society is not uncommon anywhere. In our history, most of the caste has been from occupation with some origins from colour. If we were to determine where caste system first started it would be in Africa with local clans. The people couldn’t marry within the clan as they sought them to be bound by kinship.

Some history facts-

We can agree that in any society there is the alpha and the beta; superior and inferior; haves and the have-nots and this is the basic reason for the existence of caste. The sole reason why caste exists is that some people are skilled and some aren’t. If you are skilled in a particular field which is in demand in a society you earn better than those who don’t have such skills. Since Indians used to marry based on monetary benefits,  caste, and religion. The skilled married the skilled creating a skilled progeny. Over time the skilled evolves while unskilled deteriorates and hence the skilled are able to change and learn new skills to maintain their positions in the society.

Modern forms of caste emerged in India around 3,500 years ago. This was the Varna system. People of clergy or priests used the Vedas to justify them being a superior group. It wasn’t clearly defined in any Veda but the superior “castes” followed a “bend-the-rules’ attitude and made the regulations on the go. There was probably no opposition because it seemed as if Gods themselves imposed these divisions. In my opinion, the higher caste members were misguided. A very modern analogy would be Hitler and how he misinterpreted the ideology of “Survival of the fittest”. 

The Brahmins under the Varna system sought it their duty to maintain society and “keep people in their places” and were justified by the scriptures. The invaders of India used these divisions to create chaos and rule over them, this reinforced the division. This “Caste System” trickled down over time and exists even now. Though it is not written in our Constitution these divisions are invisible but they exist. The SCs and STs were a lower caste under the Varna system hence they now too are of lower caste.


There is a perfect correlation between the social, legal and economic conditions of castes in the varna system and that of their descendants. Even now people marry within their castes. Untouchability is not completely eradicated. In conclusion, caste exists even now. Even after creating reservations for the marginalized, caste exists. As long as there is no dignity of labour this stigma of caste will continue to exist for eternity. We should also note the stigma that believes that caste is exclusive to India.

I believe that the Varna System is flawed because according to that, caste is based on heredity and not merit. Only when a country’s subjects get to create their own merit, caste will cease to exist.

Check out my previous article: A comprehensive overview of the CLAT 2018 disaster

This article is completely based on my opinion supported by some facts.


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