Inheritance under Muslim Law

Inheritance under Muslim Law

Inheritance under Muslim Law In loose terms, Inheritance is the transfer of property/estate objects of a dead person to the living person. Inheritance under Muslim Law can be divided into parts: testamentary(Wasiyat) and Intestate. This article will be focusing on intestate laws of succession. TO KNOW ABOUT WASIYAT, CLICK HERE. INTRODUCTION Inheritance is nowhere defined […]

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Wasiyat under Muslim law

WASIYAT: Concept Of Will Under Muslim Law

Concept Of Wasiyat Under Muslim Law: According to Baillie, Will is a device for conferring a right of property in a specific thing, or in a profit or advantage, in the manner of a gratuity, postponed till after the death of the testator. When a Muslim executes a will, then that will is called Wasiyat. […]

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