Co Draft Academy

COURSE- AIBE Course by Co Draft Academy of Law [June 18-Aug 15]: Register Now!

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Co-Draft Academy of Law pioneers in preparing law students and young lawyers in legal drafting. They have trained more than 2000 students on legal drafting across the country so far.

They have now gone online to do their courses on Finishing School for Law, Legal Drafting, CLAT UG and CLAT PG.


As per the Bar Council of India the AIBE exam is scheduled to be held on 16th August, 2020. Co Draft Academy has now ventured into training All India Bar Examination XV – 2020 from 18th June 2020.

The course goes on till August 15th. They have structured the syllabus to 60 hours of learning law, precedents and concepts. Subject wise tests and Mock tests are part of the program.


To register, click here.

Fee for the course-



Course commences from 18th June 2020 ends on August 15th, 2020


Advocates who have enrolled in any state bar council.

AIBE conducted by the Bar Council of India (BCI) is a national level exam. AIBE is the qualifying examination to receive the “Certificate of Practice” in legal professions.


Mobile Number: 9840777642

The website link is here.

Co Draft Academy

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