How to prepare for CLAT Logical Reasoning

How to prepare for CLAT Logical Reasoning

How to prepare for CLAT Logical Reasoning- What will be asked?

Under the new CLAT exam pattern, there will be a total of around 28 to 30 questions in logical aptitude section. There will be a series of passages of around 300 words each. Candidates will be required to recognize arguments, give conclusions, draw relationship, identify the meaning from the passages.

CLAT Logical Reasoning section- Insights

Number of passagesFour to Five passages of 300 words each
Type of questionsMultiple Choice Questions will be asked from each passage
Total number of questionsEach passage – 4 to 5Total number of questions – 28-32
Content of the passagesSome of the passages will be drawn from editorials, articles with arguments and statements.Some of the passages will be simple statements and arguments setting out relationships or giving some kind of puzzles.There may be some questions from number series, age and blood relations and others.
Skills to be testedAbility to recognize an argument, the premises and give conclusionsQuick reading and critical thinking ability.Ability to identify the patterns of reasoning and manipulate information to a given conclusionAbility to quickly understand the meaning of the text and manipulate new conditions.Finding out the relationships from the given information

How to Prepare for CLAT Logical Reasoning – Approach

We would suggest the candidates refer to the previous year papers for their preparation of logical reasoning for CLAT. The previous year papers provide the CLAT logical reasoning sample questions. Though the exam pattern has been changed considerably, however, practising the fundamental operation will be required to answer the questions.

After referring to the previous year questions, candidates must practise the types of questions from the standard books as suggested below.

CLAT Logical Reasoning Books

A Modern Approach to Logical ReasoningR S Aggarwal
Analytical ReasoningM K Pandey




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