Online National Quiz by Legal Scholars

Legal Scholars is organising national online quiz on 1. Constitution and Indian Penal Code- 27th February 2021, 4-5 p.m.2. Intellectual Property Law – 28th February, 4-5 p.m.The first quiz shall comprise of 50 questions from each of the topics for which a total of 1 hour shall be provided while the second quiz shall comprise of 75 questions in total for which a total of 1 hour shall be provided.Eligibility – Anyone can apply.Payment- to be done online either through Paytm or UPI.

Registration Process:

For Constitution and IPC register here-
For Intellectual Property Law register here-

Deadline: 26th February 2021, 11:59 p.m.

The link for the quiz shall be made available to the participants via email.

Note:- • Ensure that you have a stable internet connection and a device to give the quiz from.

• Extra time shall not be provided under any circumstances.

• In case of any dispute the decision of the organising committee shall be final and binding. 

• Cash prizes for the 1st and 2nd positions and Certificate of Merit.

• Participation Certificates for all participants

Event Coordinator:

Shivi Chhaberiya – +91 8126539290

For more details, visit our instagram: legal_scholars

Or mail at:


Contact us:Arpit Kulshrestha: +91 97115 43988

Shivi Chhaberiya: + 91 8126539290

legal scholars

For more – CLICK HERE.

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