Maharishi Law School is organizing Maharishi Mahesh Yogi National Law Festival

moot court


Maharishi Law School, Maharishi University of Information Technology, Noida is organising its first ever Law Festival- “विधि महोत्सव2023” from 11th -14th October 2023. The School of Law at our University is hosting this festival to support its objective of expanding the legal arena above its confines. The Fest seeks to provide a vibrant arena for students to demonstrate their socio-legal abilities and level of knowledge to provide a platform for students to connect, ponder, and socialize to foster and expose their passion and skills.

The Maharishi Law School festival will include various cultural performances, events and various legal competitions namely Moot Court Competition, Client Counselling, Legislative Drafting and Judgment Writing. Each of the competitions will have a specific objective and motive behind it to nurture the young minds. For Instance, the main purpose of moot court and client counselling is to prepare budding legal minds and give them an opportunity to face the real dilemmas of legal arena. On the other hand, Judgment writing will enhance the practical and theoretical aspect of legal knowledge. It will also contribute towards the drafting skills of the student and prepare them for future challenges of life.

The University hopes that through this festival, inter-personal interaction, exchange of idea and knowledge escalation will be implemented which will eventually lead to growth and expansion of dynamic individuals. We hope that this festival provides a fruitful platform and concrete stage for many more years to come.


The Institute of Company secretaries of India (ICSI) is a recognised statutory body set up under the Act of Parliament, the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 and functioning under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Corporate Affairs as one of the prime institutions to develop and regulate the profession of Company Secretaries in India. The Institute has its overseas presence in USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Canada, and Dubai. There are some Indian/overseas collaborations with NSE, Stock Exchanges, MSE, MAICSA, ICSI-MCX, USE, CISI, ICAI and ICWAI, ICSA London, NALSAR, NISIET Hyderabad NLS Bangalore and others. With the goal of promoting better corporate governance practices in India, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, has set up National Foundation for Corporate Governance (NFCG) and ICSI is a member of NFCG. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India is the only professional body in the world who have issued Secretarial Standards for the Corporates. The secretarial standards seek to integrate, harmonise and standardize the diverse secretarial practices, being followed by various corporates to ensure good corporate governance in true letter and spirit. It provides code of conduct for the members and ensure its proper implementations. The Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has approved the issuance of four ICSI Auditing Standards. The Standards are required to be observed by the Company Secretaries undertaking Audits. The Standards seek to promote best auditing practices, uniformity and consistency while conducting audits. At present, there are more than 70,000 members and around 2.5 lakhs students on the roll of ICSI. ICSI has been contributing to the initiative of Government of India that have potential to excel the social economic growth of India. The institute follows its motto and continuously working to achieve its vision and mission which is mentioned hereunder:

Motto: सत्यंवद। घर्मंचर। Speak the Truth, Abide by the Law

Vision: To be a global leader in promoting Good Corporate Governance.

Mission: To develop high-calibre professionals facilitating good Corporate Governance


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