“a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money ;whore;harlot.2.a man who engages in sexual acts for money .3.a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way , usually for money.”


The time we here the word prostitution many thinks clicks our mind.Like all other jobs in our country why prostitution is not legalized?Like all other things for example – eating, sleeping, drinking, earning, physical sex is also our one of the need. Then when it comes to prostitution why-why we think like orthodox why so?


If we look in our history than we will find that both men and women they used to perform in the front of the king and the kingdom so that they feel stress-free. Even at the time of the war, the soldiers were provided with prostitutes so that they be relaxed and stress-free.And I will clearly like to mention that prostitution is not only about female prostitutes but it is also about male prostitutes.It is not important that all people in our society are attracted to opposite sex but there are many people who are attracted even to the same sex.Even at older times or at ancient ancient times the same sex tradition was there.

People who are of same-sex feel so ashamed to tell it because of our orthodox society many are there who live a secret life so that people don’t judge them.Why are we not accepting the same sex culture ?if we have modernized ourselves so much then why we don’t have guts to accept the reality?Why we always behave like orthodox?

There is a temple Khajuraho in our country where the temple scriptures on the wall have explained different sex positions. It is one of the most ancient temples of our country if the people of earlier times were of such broad-minded than why we are still so ashamed to accept prostitution! Talking about our God Indra he used to have Apsaras to entertain himself and all gave respect to Apsaras and actually they were prostitutes they gain so much of respect at earlier times but since the time changes people have ruined the meaning of prostitutes and now prostitute is an abuse in our society.It is just the dirty mind and the orthodox thinking which have ruined the life of prostitutes.

one of the most famous festivals of our country known as Navratri where we preach goddess Durga her murti is made from 18 soils and one of the soil is taken from the door of the prostitutes because they are considered to be the purest soul.


Still there are many places in our country where there is the culture of prostitution like Natpura in Uttar Pradesh where there is the population of around 5000 people in a village and 70% of the families are engaged in prostitution and the men member of the family don’t feel ashamed that her daughter, sister, and mother are prostitutes .In this village male members work is to bring customers for their female members of their family. Most of the children in this village don’t know the name of their father and they live only with their mother.

Similarly, there is three more village in our country.The statistics show that there are many states in our country that practices prostitution illegally.In India, the area where the regular practice of prostitution is carried is known popularly with the name of the red light area.


If we legalize prostitution and if there will be proper registration for prostitution like both male and female member of 18 years should only be registered like many problems like prostitutes won’t be harassed they won’t have to face the problems like HIV/AIDS proper camps should be organized for free check-ups and they should be given proper medical treatment and this can be done only when prostitution will be legalized in INDIA .

Problems like young girls of 12-13 years are engaged in this work.when It will be legalized than such issues will less %.There are many countries which are provided with the legal license to practice prostitution are Canada, Austria, Brazil, New Zealand and many more.

There are both pros and cons for the legalization but pros will be much better and will earn respects for prostitutes and will at some point change the mentality of our society.


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