Sec 65B of Indian Evidence Act, 1872

In year 2012, Indian Evidence Act, 1872 was amended and certain sections regarding electronic evidence were included by Information Technology Act, 2000 i.e. Section 65A and 65B. Section 65A lays down the list of electronic records which can be admissible in the court according to the provisions laid in the Section 65B.

Section 65B Admissibility of electronic records: According to this section, any information contained in electronic records in question before the court, which is printed on a paper, stored, recorded or copied in optical or magnetic media produced by a computer shall also deemed to be a documentary evidence if the conditions mentioned in this section are satisfied. On satisfying the conditions provided, the evidence shall be admissible without any further documents or production of original copy of the same.

The documents produced in the court as evidence are the documentary evidence and there must primary or secondary evidence to prove the subject matter of the documents.

Electronic evidence is vindicating information stored or transmitted in a digital form that a party in a court proceeding may use as evidence at trial. Before accepting such digital evidence the court will check the relevancy, authentication of the evidence and to verify whether it is a hearsay evidence or not and will make sure that it is acceptable in this form or the original is needed.

Conditions for Certification Of Electronic Evidence

Under Section 65B (4), for the purpose of admissibility of the electronic evidence in the court proceeding, a certification of such electronic evidence is necessary. The certificate must include:

  1. Identification the relevant electronic records and describing the manner in which the record has to be produced. 
  2. Details of the device producing the electronic record.
  3. Satisfy the conditions of Sec. 65B (2) i.e. the computer from which the record was produced was used regularly to process and store information during its regular course of activities and throughout the time period, the computer was operating properly.
  4. The officer in-charge of such certification must state the details of the electronic record with best of his knowledge before signing it. 

Relevant judgments:

  1. State (NCT of Delhi) v. Navjot Sandhu[1]: If the party is unable to produce the certification of the contents required under the Sec. 65B, they can submit the secondary evidence complying with Sec. 63 and 65.

Thus, in light of differing opinions of the Supreme Court, in the instant case, the Court referred the matter to a larger bench stating that in light of the 2014 Judgment, the verdict passed in 2018 deserves to be reconsidered.


In Anvar’s case the Supreme Court clarified that electronic record as primary evidence does not come under the jurisdiction of Sections 65A and 65B of the Evidence Act. Primary evidence is the document produced before Court as per Sec. 3, which can be utilized only for the purpose of storing the matter.                                                                                                                                                   

The Supreme Court while clarifying the legal status of admissibility of the electronic evidence, held that there is no need to produce certificate, if the device from which the document is produced is not in a possession of the party.

[1] (2005) 11 SCC 600.

[2] (2014) 10 SCC 473.

[3] A Latin maxim which means general laws do not prevail over special laws.

[4] (2015) 3 SCC 123.

[5] 2016 CLRJ 1159.

[6] (2017) 8 SCC 518.

[7] (2017) 8 SCC 570.

[8] (2018) 1 SCC (Cri) 860.

[9] 2019 SCC OnLine SC 734.

By:- Sampada Sharma

       5th year, BBA-LLB

       Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi.

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