BLOG- What to do in case of false charges filed under Indian Penal Code 1860?

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Vexatious cases are frequently documented at police headquarters against honest individuals abandoning them stunned and subjecting them to pointless torment, by the recording of false applications or protestations, false FIRs, false charges filed, either by the police straightforwardly or by misdirecting judges.

In spite of the fact that a few states have authorized vexatious procedures law, the forces vested with the advocate general of the state and until the point when the state does not acknowledge the plea of deserving citizens, the native continues suffering in the beating wheel. If there should arise a complaint of a negligible application or a protest, the issue must be on the double reviewed by sitting crosswise over with the concerned police officer and giving him all the material to demonstrate that the case is false, false charges filed or does not have any legitimacy. The officer must record the statement and put it to his seniors and close the case with an implication to the complainant.

In the event that the officer is not willing to take the statement, one can make a grievance to all experts and authorities as well as make affidavit before a notary to all specialists/authorities about the protestation with everyone of the facts on record.

The Supreme Court has of late passed a judgment that except in the case of intense wrongdoings and serious crimes like murder, rape, robbery, housebreaking and so forth, a preparatory inquiry must be done before registration of a FIR.

Presently let us see what happens in situations where a false FIR gets registered. On the off chance that you feel that it is done just to harass you, apply for anticipatory bail under sec 438 of the CrPC. In the latest instance of the Supreme Court, laying reason for giving of anticipatory bail, the Supreme Court has plainly separated between the necessity to arrest and power to arrest. You can’t be arrested for reasons unknown. In any case, when no crime is disclosed, the police needs to file a summary report. On the off chance that the offense is civil in nature, at that point a civil summary report is filed. In the event that the offense is observed to be of noncognisable nature, at that point a report revealing the same is filed. Police jurisdiction closes here and the magistrate could conceivably issue a procedure on it or may ask that the complainant could file a private complaint.

In situations where a complaint is observed to be false, a false dissension report is filed. In genuine false complaint cases, the police can ask for prosecution. Also, in situations where the police are not unequivocal, or when an offense can’t be identified, facts expressing the same are filed. In such cases police reserve the rights to examine or investigate into the issue if new facts come up later.

Nonetheless, it is astounding to take note of that, that police does not depend on this fast strategy for disposal, one reason being corruption, resulting in a diminished level of confidence of individuals in the police.

Upon endless supply of false cases, contingent upon the seriousness of the case, one must apply for expectant safeguard like anticipatory bail to the session’s court or the high court. In any case, before doing as such, one must see if police expect to capture or does not. On the off chance that police is not going to capture, at that point there is no compelling reason to pointlessly tie yourself with conditions in anticipatory bail. Your approach and practical handling of the case with the higher authorities of the police assume a noteworthy part in such cases on the issue of arrest. Before applying for anticipatory bail ensure that the complaint uncovers a cognizable – non-bailable offense. The police have the duty to decide all cases of  FIR quickly and present a report to the concerned officer. This report is filed u/s 173(2) of the CrPC. Reports under sec 173(2) of the code of criminal procedure can be recorded just in those cases which are deserving detection.

Cases which have been filed because of the nuisance value or because of pressure or is of such a nature, to the point that after registration, it unveils that it can’t be investigated by the police or has been investigated as of now by another police wing or police headquarters, such cases can be rapidly discarded by making entry in the police journal or register or dairy or form recommended with a brisk report to the judge specifying that the said case can’t be investigated. This is the technique endorsed under sec 157 of the code of CrPC. Nonetheless, on the off chance that where you know the false complainant is making devilishness and not enabling police to do its work or the police does not collaborate, one may apply for quashing under article 226 of the Constitution read with sec 482 of the CrPC.

Some high courts in India allow just an application under sec 482 of the CrPC. In situations where a justice is misdirected into passing order u/s 156(3) of the CrPC to enroll a FIR to the police, the order can be tested objected or challenged under revisional jurisdiction u/s 397 of the CrPC at the session court. Jurisdiction exists with high court likewise, however high court lean towards you to go to sessions first. In spite of the fact that extent of revision has been augmented, it is regularly noticed that session’s judges embrace an extremely pompous approach and restrain them to the part of the rightness of an order. This approach is exceedingly incorrect on the grounds that nowadays it is a mold to conceal facts and orders or derail and mislead judges into passing orders. In such cases, if sessions judges wind up plainly technical then the entire motive behind a revision application is disparaged. Because of this reasons many individuals file a criminal application specifically at the high court u/s 482 of the CrPC where high court has wide powers and inherent powers.

Another solution to a challenge such an order is u/Art 227 of the Constitution read with sec 482 of the CrPC. An order of issuance of process u/s 204 of the CrPC – when a judge takes cognizance himself is similar to the order u/s 156(3) of the CrPC. Numerous false complainants likewise get processes issued by hiding facts. For disguising facts and playing fraud upon court – a cure is accessible for invoking contempt powers or for making an application for perjury(which implies deceiving the court). However, the magnitude of misrepresentation/fraud played on the court is more critical and each circumstance must be examined as such. For endless fake complainants, the state must develop an instrument by which the powers can be utilized to check such rights of fake complainants. At these rights are the state yet changes must be made to give the privilege to make an application to the court to citizens.

FIR Against Wife Is Cruelty And Husband Entitled To Divorce: High Court

A FIR against a spouse is a demonstration of savagery, and her better half is qualified for divorce, ruled the high court.

“Taking a gander at the social status of the parties, the immensity and magnitude of this act (FIR against spouse) are unmistakably constituted cruelty,” perceived by a division bench of judges VK Tahilramani and VL Achliya, who expelled an appeal filed by the wife against a family court decision.

For this situation, the family court had on January 19, 1993, conceded the divorce on grounds of cruelty.

The spouse, who sought for divorce, asserted that the lady was in the propensity for lying and theft. She had forged other individuals’ signs and pulled back cash from their financial account.

In May 2008, a FIR was held up against her by a colleague affirming debit card misrepresentation. She supposedly stole a colleague’s card and pulled back Rs 37,000, expressed the spouse’s counsels

She was arrested and was in jail for five days.

In any case, the HC noticed that records demonstrated that she had been arrested and was in custody for a long time. “This shows willful and unmerited conduct with respect to the litigant (wife) which has legitimately caused a dread in the mind of the husband in regards to her mental well being.”

The judges stated: “This single occurrence independent from anyone else is of such a genuine nature, to the point that it would make it difficult for the respondent (husband) to live with the appealing party (wife) without mental agony, distress or torture. It is adequate to qualify the respondent for secure divorce on the ground of cruelty.”

Dismissing her appeal, the judges stated: “There have been no efforts made by the appellant to improve. In fact, gradually her unlawful exercises have been getting increasingly genuine. The impact of the conduct of the appellant can’t be said to be conventional wear and tear of wedded life. Indeed, her lead is so grave and profound that the respondent can’t sensibly be relied upon to keep on living with her.”

false charges filed

SC on filing a false Criminal Complaint By Husband/Wife Would Liable To Matrimonial Cruelty And Entitle The Other Spouse To Claim A Divorce

Giving divorce to an alienated couple, the Supreme Court articulated that filing of even one false criminal complaint by either life partner is adequate to constitute matrimonial cruelty and in this way a ground for divorce.

The judgment, articulated by the division Bench of Justices Vikramjit Sen and Prafulla Pant says that documenting of false criminal complaint by either companion is an issue that has seen the various measure of the case in the Supreme Court itself. It goes ahead to state, ‘A complete analysis and discourse on this issue are accessible in an all around contemplated judgment in K. Srinivas Rao versus D.A. Deepa, 2013(5) SCC 226, in which various decisions have been referred to and examined.

It is currently past carp that if a false criminal complaint is favored by either life partner it would perpetually and indubitably constitute matrimonial cruelty, for example, would qualify the other mate to claim a divorce.’

In the present case, the spouse had filed a divorce petition after his significant other began living with her sibling. The answer by the wife was in form of criminal objection under S. 34, 148A, 384, 324 of the IPC, and Sections 4 and 6 of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961against the spouse and his relatives, on account of which they needed to go to imprison. The spouse additionally filed a petition for compensation of conjugal rights.

In the year 2000, the local Court acquitted the spouse and his relatives. The family Court additionally denied the request for restitution of marital rights. Against this, the wife moved to the High Court, which acknowledged her plea.

After hearing the appeal, the SC in its judgment said that, ‘Irretrievable breakdown of marriage as a ground for divorce has not found statutory acceptance till date Under Article 142 of the Constitution, the Supreme Court has plenary powers “to pass such decree or make such order as is necessary for doing complete justice in any case or order pending before it”. This power, however, has not been bestowed by our Constitution on any other Court. It is for these reasons that we have confined arguments only to the aspect of whether the filing of a false criminal complaint sufficiently proves matrimonial cruelty as would entitle the injured party to claim dissolution of marriage.

The judgment finally states that “We unequivocally find that the Respondent-Wife had documented a false criminal grievance, and even one such complaint is adequate to constitute matrimonial cruelty.”

false charges filed


  1. Chanderpal, C. (2014). FALSE CASE REGISTERED AGAINST YOU?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Aug. 2017].
  2.  MAHAJANI, U. (2014). FIR against wife is cruelty and husband entitled to divorce: High Court | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis. [online] dna. Available at: [Accessed 2 Aug. 2017].
  3.  News, I. (2017). Filing false case against spouse amounts to cruelty to grant a divorce: SC – Times of India. [online] The Times of India. Available at: [Accessed 2 Aug. 2017].
  4. Pathak, G. (2014). Filing a false criminal complaint by either spouse would constitute matrimonial cruelty and entitle the other spouse to claim a divorce: SC [Read the Judgment] | Live Law. [online] Live Law. Available at: [Accessed 2 Aug. 2017].

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