Call for Chapters in Edited Book: Criminal Law: Past, Present & The Road Ahead; Submit by 30th May, 2021

call for papers

About Law Mantra Trust: “Law Mantra” (headquarters New Delhi) (Registration No 150 in Book No.4 Vol No 3, 603 0f 2018) is not for profit organisation running for the purpose of enhancing legal academics and legal awareness in the society and in the practice of the same. Law Mantra is a registered society under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 whose members are leaders and members from the legal fraternity, other professions with a nexus to conflict resolution, academics and experts from various fields who are committed to resolve conflicts and disputes using innovative mechanisms and methods such as Mediation, Conciliation, Negotiations and Arbitration. Law Mantra is a body of Jurists, Advocates, Academicians and Students running for the purpose of enhancing legal academics and legal awareness in the society and in the practice of the same.

Concept Note:

This Call for chapter is for contributions in an edited Book on the theme. CRIMINAL LAW: PAST, PRESENT & THE ROAD AHEAD

Crime and Criminals have been the subject matter of study, debate and research ever since the inception of society. The deviant behaviour that leads to the commission of the offence is the reason for its brutality. Criminal behaviour and crime causation has been the most controversial aspects of the study in the field of criminology. However, it is pertinent to note that criminal law and its practice has by far been the most interesting and also the most challenging domains in the field of law.

The essential object of criminal law is to protect society against criminals and law-breakers. For this purpose, the law holds out threats of punishments to prospective lawbreakers as well as attempts to make the actual offenders suffer the prescribed punishments for their crimes. Therefore, criminal law, in its wider sense, consists of both the substantive criminal law and the procedural (or adjective) criminal law. Substantive criminal law defines offences and prescribes punishments for the same, while the procedural law administers the substantive law.

The aim of the proposed book is to study the changing dimensions of criminal law and also the past and the development of criminal law over the ages. The book will highlight the key aspects in the study of criminal law, the emerging domains the glorious past and the controversial, not debated and grey areas of criminal law.

Tentative Topics

1.    Historical Background of Criminal Justice Administration in India

2.    Changing Dimensions of Crime in the 21st Century

3.    Position of Women in Criminal Jurisprudence

4.    Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Justice Administration

5.    Trial Procedures: Existing Law and Suggestive Changes

6.    Criminal Law Amendments from 1980s to 2021

7.    Cyber Crime and Investigation

8.    Sociological Theories and their impact on Criminal Behaviour

9.    Feminist Theories and Criminal Behaviour

10. Police as a Wing of Criminal Justice Administration

11. Correctional Institutions: Their Role & Importance

12. Changing Dimensions Property Crimes in the 21st Century

13. Gender Neutrality in Sexual Offences

14. Victim’s Position in the Criminal Justice Administration

15. Restorative Jurisprudence & Indian Criminal Law

16. Reformative Jurisprudence and Indian Criminal Law

17. Necrophilia as an offence under Indian Criminal Law

18. Macaulay to Verma: Changing dimensions of Indian Penal Code

19. Laws relating to Arrest and Detention

20. Juvenile Delinquency

Guidelines for Paper Submission:

·      Abstract (Minimum 300 Words) Along with 5 Minimum Keywords, along with final paper should be send by 30th May, 2021.

·      The title of the paper should be followed by Name, Designation, Name of the Organization / University / Institution and Email address. It is mandatory to mention Email address, as all future correspondence will be through it;

·      Name and details of Co-author, if any;

·      Chapter: Chapter should be in Times New Roman 12 point font and double spaced. Main Title should be in full capitals, bold and centered 12 point font. Sub-titles should be in sentence case, bold and 12 point font. Author’s names should be in small capitals and centered 12 point font Footnotes should be in Times New Roman 12 point font;

·      Citation Format: Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to INDIAN LAW INSTITUTE, NEW DELHI STYLE;

·      Submission of the abstract: A covering letter with the name(s) of the author(s) and address, designation, institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript and contact information (email, phone, etc.) is compulsory to submit. All submissions must contain an abstract of not more than 300 words with 5 Minimum Keywords;

·      Originality of Manuscripts: All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not have been submitted for consideration in any other Publication. Any plagiarized work will be out-rightly rejected; Plagiarism more than 10% will strictly be rejected.

·      Copyright: The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the Intellectual Property of Law Mantra Trust;

·      The title of the Chapter should be followed by Name, Designation, Name of the Organization / University / Institution and Email address. It is mandatory to mention Email address, as all future correspondence will be through it;

·      Name and details of Co-author, if any;

·      The paper should be typed in MS WORD format (preferably 2007 or 2010);

·      The paper must be in single column lay out with margins justified on both sides;

·      The length of paper should not be below 4,000 words (including 
footnotes) and Should not Exceed more than 6,000 (Including Footnotes);

·      All Contribution must be submitted to

·      Originality of Manuscripts: All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not have been submitted for consideration in any other Publication. Any plagiarized work will be out-rightly rejected.

·      Copyright: The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of the Publisher.

·      Co-authorship: Co-authorship of maximum two authors is allowed.


Paper will Selected for Publication in Book bearing ISBN, Contributor have to Contact Publisher and will have to pay charge if any one wishes to procure Hard Copy of Book as per bill raised by Publisher ).

Who Should Submit?

Interested Professors, Researchers, Practitioners, Students are invited to submit Book Chapters. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind peer review basis. Authors are encouraged to include original works. Please submit your chapter and a brief personal biography. Your Chapter should also include a chapter title. After careful review of all Chapters, the editorial board will contact individuals. Questions and comments should be directed to The research chapters should be a comprehensive review of contemporary relevant legal issues mentioned above. The word limit for the submission is 4000-60000 words. All Submissions must be accompanied by a Covering letter stating the title of the paper, author’s full name, name of institution and the author’s contact details. Submission must be in MS Word doc., Font- Times New Roman.

How to submit

·      All submissions are to be made via e-mail as word documents (preferably Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010). Authors can submit their manuscripts to Editors at

Submission Deadline

·      Submission of Final paper: 30th May, 2021

·      Authors who do not follow these guidelines may have their submission returned to them without being reviewed.

Contact: For more details contact us at +91 98312 00232.

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For more CFP – CLICK HERE.

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