Article Writing Competition on Competition Law by Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal: Register by July 30

Jagran Lakecity University

About the Institute

Jagran Lakecity University was founded on life-enriching values and is a complete government recognized and approved state private university under section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956, Government of India.

About the Competition

JLU School of Law, Jagran Lakecity University is organizing a National Article Writing Competition in the domain of Competition Law.

This online National Level Article Writing Competition is being organized by JLU-SOL Centre for Competition and Investment Laws and Policy (CCILP) to give an opportunity to the young legal minds of the country to showcase their research and writing skills. The prime focus of this competition is to kindle a light of legal research in the domain of Competition law, its nexus with the Constitutional Law, and the changing dimensions of competition in the market in the COVID-19 era.


Exploring the nexus between Constitutional Law, Trade, and Competition Law.


Registration Fee

Rs. 500/-


Interested candidates can register through this page.

Submission Guidelines

Important Dates

  1. Last date of payment and registration: 30th July 2020
  2. Last date for Article submission: 20th August 2020
  3. Declaration of Results: 10th September 2020


Contact Information

Mr Ankit Singh: Assistant Professor: Coordinator at Centre for Competition and Investment Laws and Policy (CCILP), JLU School of Law, Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal (M.P.)

Email IS: ankit.singh[at]

Mobile Number: +91-8827638448

The official website link for Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal is here.

Visit our official Instagram page @lawyergyan at this link.

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