The right to information gained power when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948 providing everyone with the right to hunt, receive, information, and ideas through any media and irrespective of frontiers.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political rights 1966 states that everybody shall have the correct to freedom of expression, the liberty to hunt, and impart information and concepts of all types.

According to Chief Executive “Information is that the currency of democracy,” and demanding the emergence and development of a vibrant civil society. However, for enforcing a practical safeguard for the citizens to secure information as a matter of their rights, the Indian Parliament enacted the Right to Information Act, 2005.

In India, the genesis of RTI law was introduced in 1986, by Supreme Court in Mr. Kulwal v. Jaipur Municipal Corporation, where court observed that better implementation of liberty of speech and expression is incomplete without the Right to Information.  The court also stated that the freedom of speech and expression provided under Article 19 of the Indian Constitution clearly implies Right to Information.

Objectives of the Act:

Need for Adoption of Information Act:


The RTI Act, 2005 does not replace bureaucracy for implementing the law. Instead, it spread awareness and mandated personnel in every office to alter their attitude and to perform their duty with carefulness.

It carefully and consciously empowered the Central Information Commission to be one of the best authorities within the country with the obligation to order any office within the country to provide with the information asked as per the provisions of the Act. And it also empowers the Commission to penalize any official/personnel who failed to do so.

Right to information is sought to strengthen the participatory democracy and introduced people oriented governance.

Access to information can give the power to the weaker and neglected sections of society to inquire and obtain data about public oriented Govt. policies and govt. actions, thereby resulting in their welfare and demanding transparency.

Right to information reveal government’s records to public, thereby providing citizens with an important tool to make them aware about what the govt. does and the mode of the same effectively, thus making the govt. more accountable.

It also improves deciding by public authority by removing unnecessary secrecy.

RTI vs Legislations for Non Disclosure of informtion

RTI vs Right to Privacy

Conceptually, RTI and also the right to privacy are both complementary in addition as in conflict to every other. While RTI increases access to information, the correct to privacy protects it instead. At the identical time they both function, as citizen rights safeguarding liberty, against state’s overreach.

When the question of harmonizing the contradicting rights arises, it should:

  1. give justice to the larger public interest,
  2. advance the general public morality.


The Official Secrets Act was enacted in year 1923 by country to keep certain sorts of information confidential from any publication or from unauthorized access to such information including information the affairs of state, diplomacy, national security, and other state secrets. In case of a conflict between Right to Information and OSA, the provisions of RTI will prevail.


A system providing access to information gives society the chance to put further the aim of democracy and lead to an open and fair society. India is amongst such powerful countries where Law is supreme and where people live, support and empower every community, caste, race, religion irrespective of such diversity in the country. To maintain this vision of empowerment and growth individuals along with the Government must move in a direction where each and every citizen can live with dignity and without fear of any unnecessary defamation, the preamble and significance of RTI should be abided by each and every individual and Authority of this country.


5th year, BBA-LLB

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